About Us


The seed of Ankuran was sown in the year 2005 and still we have a long way to go, to fulfill our aim of “Value added Education” and motto of “All around development of a child - blend of Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Social evolution”.

A child’s mind, during the period from birth to three years of age, is unconscious but most intelligent and absorbent. This intelligence of unconscious type brings about his self construction and marvelous progress. He absorbs the impressions from the surrounding environment, not only with his mind but also with his life. He in this period transforms, adapts, achieves and conquest the environment, which is functionally the longer period than all the other periods followed put together i.e. as long as the whole life.

A child’s mind, during the period from three to six years of age, is conscious but the mental type is same as the child between 0 - 3 years of age, so the adult can exert direct influence on it. He has prodigious capacity of learning, while romping happily, jumping and playing. He learns everything without knowing that he is learning and in doing so he passes inch by inch from the unconscious to conscious state. During this period, he tries to manipulate the various impressions absorbed during the age of 0 to 3 years of age. He constructs his mind step by step till he becomes possessed of memory, the power to understand and the ability to think. As a result, the personality undergoes a great change and a child at six is sufficiently intelligent to go to a formal school.

During the course of development, every child passes through six sensitive periods - sensitivity to order, sensitivity to refinement of senses, sensitivity to language, sensitivity to walking, sensitivity to small objects and sensitivity to social aspects. These periods are transitory and therefore each period lasts over a limited period of growth i.e. till the child has acquired a particular ability. A sensitive period can reveal the child’s sad or violent reactions, when obstructed in his vital activities, which can be expressed through ‘a tantrum’, ‘a whims’, ‘a stubbornness’, etc. These periods are ‘blocks of time’ in a child’s life and if ignored will prove to be the greatest obstacle in his psychic and physical development.


  • To ensure equal opportunities for all children, regardless of gender, race, creed or ability.
  • To widen the horizon of school education, by equally emphasizing extra-curricular activities and vocational training, under professional guidance, based on one’s interest and skill.
  • To introduce a positive environment that sets high standards in behavior and tolerance, to foster the thought of ‘simple living and high thinking’.
  • To stimulate and satisfy a child’s curiosity about his environment and provide opportunities to discover and explore with hands on materials, so that he can reach to his full potential.
  • To enlarge the mental horizons and broaden the outlook of the child.
  • To inculcate spiritual and moral values.
  • To instill senses of ‘Patriotism’ and ‘National integrity’.
  • To orient a child to develop self-confidence, self-dependability and honesty.
  • To infuse good habits, social manners and etiquettes among children.
  • To develop a child’s communication skill to express oneself efficiently in English, Hindi and Mother Tongue.
  • To introduce a child into the joy of learning and channelise his energy through recreational activities.
  • To enable a child to cope with the ever growing challenges of life, so that he can fulfill his responsibilities towards family, society, country and the whole world.


Ankuran provides the most proficient environment for the healthy development of young children by following the ‘child-centered system of teaching’. This system neither imposes upon the child nor does it abandon him in total free play. It provides a carefully planned and structural environment in which the child grows and learns in a natural way.